Some Opto 22 software requires a password for installation.
(You can download the file, but you can't install it without the password.)
Here's how to get a password:
- Purchase the software through an Opto 22 distributor, online, or by calling Opto 22 Sales at (800) 321-6786 or (951) 695-3000. (Note that a password is not given at the time you place an online order.)
- If you purchased online or downloaded software from our website, call Opto 22 Sales (800-321-6786 or 951-695-3000) or email your password request to (Please be sure to include your name, company name, email address, and the product you are requesting a password for.)
- Register your software online:
- If you already have a my.Opto 22 website account, log in to register your software. If you're registering the Professional versions, OptoOPCServer, or OptoDataLink, please have your password available.
- If you don't yet have a website account, create a my.Opto22 account here. Once you've entered your contact information, check the "Register my software" option at the bottom of the screen. When you've confirmed my.Opto registration, you'll be directed to the software registration page. If you're registering the Professional versions, OptoOPCServer, or OptoDataLink, please have your password available to complete the process.
If you have any problems registering your software or creating a my.Opto22 account, please contact the WebTeam via email (, and we'll track down the problem.
Note: Some free files require a password to ensure that you talk to Product Support to address important technical issues.