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This document shows examples of system architecture for PC-based I/O control systems and lists Opto 22 products that work together for PC-based control. System examples include:
This guide is for programmers who are writing custom applications to communicate with Opto 22 memory-mapped devices. These devices include groov EPIC processors; groov RIO modules; SNAP PAC controllers and SNAP PAC EB and SB brains; G4EB2 brains; SNAP Ultimate, SNAP Ethernet, and SNAP Simple I/O; E1 and E2 brain boards, and SNAP-LCE controllers.
The guide describes how to use the IEEE 1394-based OptoMMP memory-mapped protocol for programming. The guide also contains the complete memory map for all Opto 22 memory-mapped devices.
NOTE: This guide replaced previous individual programming guides for SNAP Ultimate I/O (form #1312) and SNAP Ethernet I/O (form #1227). This document was formerly called the "SNAP Ethernet-Based I/O Units Protocols and Programming Guide."
The .NET OptoMMP Software Development Kit (SDK) for groov EPIC and SNAP PAC provides an easy-to-use interface for a developer to quickly create an Ethernet I/O-based application for Opto 22 products that use the OptoMMP protocol. This technical note shows you how to get started with the SDK.
This is a 100% managed OptoMMP software development kit (SDK) that provides a simple, easy-to-use interface for a classic .NET developer to quickly create an I/O-based application for Opto 22 products that use the OptoMMP protocol. NOTE: As of version R4.0e, this SDK no longer supports Windows 7 or 8.1. SHA-256 signature: cf12b41d2cb27687c6fc43a7e845714c4bdcf7491267350e336f848d01709cd3 If you are an unmanaged Visual Studio C++ programmer, see PAC-DEV-OPTOMMP-CPLUS instead. For a complete list of supported platforms and products, see the Specifications tab on the PAC-DEV-OPTOMMP-DOTNET product page.