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PAC Display Professional HMI Development and Runtime Software

Production Specification

PAC Display Professional, part of the PAC Project Professional Software Suite, is a user-friendly HMI package for building operator interface applications to communicate with groov EPIC and SNAP PAC Systems and with Ethernet-based I/O units (including groov RIO, SNAP PAC brains, and legacy Ethernet brains). Technicians and operators can monitor these systems, respond to alarms, and interact as necessary using a graphical display.

NOTE: Although a PAC Display project cannot run on a groov EPIC processor's built-in touchscreen, PAC Display projects running on a Microsoft Windows PC can include groov EPIC systems and their groov RIO units. The EPIC processor also includes groov View software for building operator interfaces that can be used on mobile devices as well as PCs.

PAC Display offers rich features, including alarming, trending, security, and a built-in library of 3,000 industrial automation graphics. PAC Display uses a fast, multithreaded scanning engine.

Because of PAC Project’s single tagname database, the data elements you created when programming your PAC Control strategy, such as I/O points and variables, are automatically available for use in PAC Display. This single tagname database eliminates the need to create duplicate databases and eliminates tagname-related errors.

PAC Display Professional also includes the ability to use redundant scanners, redundant Ethernet links, redundant SNAP PAC controllers, or a segmented control network on SNAP PAC controllers. In addition to groov EPIC and SNAP PAC controllers, PAC Display Professional can also connect to legacy ioProject controllers and Ethernet-based FactoryFloor controllers running OptoControl strategies, and it can also import projects created in OptoDisplay, a part of FactoryFloor.

NOTE: If you do not need these additional capabilities, you may find that PAC Display Basic is all you need.

See a comparison chart for PAC Project Basic and PAC Project Professional.

PAC Display Professional is available as a separate application or as part of the PAC Project Professional Software Suite, which also includes software for control programming, OPC communication, database connectivity, and a software-based controller. The price for PAC Display Professional is for one seat. If you are using multiple seats of PAC Display, we strongly recommend that you also purchase OptoOPCServer (included in PAC Project Pro). OptoOPCServer manages all communication with the controller and reduces traffic on the control network.

If you are using older controllers or brains (not groov EPIC, groov RIO, or SNAP PAC) with PAC Project, see the SNAP PAC System Migration Technical Note (form 1688) for important information.

To find out if you can upgrade to this version for free, see the Opto 22 Software Upgrade Policy

All PAC Project software, both Basic and Professional, is in one single download. You can install the Basic version right away to get started. To install PAC Display Professional, first purchase the software and contact Opto 22 to confirm your purchase and receive your password. More about purchasing software and getting a password.

When you have your password, download and run the installer file. Choose PAC Project Professional and enter your password for PAC Display Professional.

The following applications are installed by default. If you don't want them all, when prompted during the installation process, uncheck the ones you don't want.
  • PAC Control Basic 
  • PAC Display Professional (password required)
  • PAC Manager (used only with SNAP PAC controllers and I/O unites)
  • Tools (PAC Utilities)
  • EtherNet/IP Configurator
PAC Display Professional can be purchased separately or as part of the PAC Project Professional Software Suite.

Installation requirements:
  • A computer running Microsoft® Windows® 10 Professional (32-bit or 64-bit) or Windows 11 Professional. Other versions of Windows operating systems and embedded Windows operating systems are not supported.
  • At least the minimum processor and memory required for your version of Microsoft Windows, and Ethernet capability. Additional memory may be required for some configurations.
  • VGA or higher resolution monitor (Super VGA recommended). Minimum size: 800x600 with small fonts.
  • Mouse or other pointing device.
  • Installed Windows printer (optional).
  • Available hard disk space required:
    • PAC Display Professional only: 301.2 MB
    • PAC Project Professional (installed with default components, including PAC Display Pro): 691.5 MB
    • For PAC Display, OptoDataLink, or OptoOPCServer projects with more than 10,000 tags, at least 1,000 MB (1 GB) is recommended.

PAC Project Data Sheet

The PAC Project software suite provides flowchart-based control programming, a Microsoft Windows-based HMI, and more for your groov EPIC System or SNAP PAC System. PAC Project comes in two forms: Basic and Professional.

PAC Project Basic is included free in your purchase of a groov EPIC processor or SNAP PAC controller. It includes everything you need for most automation or monitoring applications: control programming, HMI development, and I/O configuration software.

PAC Project Professional is available for purchase as a suite or as individual software components. It includes everything in Basic and adds OPC 2.0 communication, database connectivity, additional features, and support for legacy Opto 22 hardware.

Legacy Edition, PAC Display User's Guide

This document is the Legacy Edition of the PAC Display User's Guide. This guide includes all the information you need if you are using groov EPIC, SNAP PAC, and older Opto 22 hardware with PAC Display.

Use this guide if you have SNAP Ultimate, SNAP Ethernet, SNAP Simple, SNAP-LCE, or mistic I/O units, or ioProject or FactoryFloor controllers that you're using with PAC Display.

If you have groov EPIC and SNAP PAC hardware only, use the PAC Display User's Guide (form 1702) instead of this guide.

PAC Display User's Guide

This guide shows you how to use PAC Display, part of the PAC Project Software Suite, to create human-machine interfaces (HMIs) for your groov EPIC or SNAP PAC System.

NOTE: If you are using PAC Display with older Opto 22 hardware in addition to groov EPIC and SNAP PAC hardware, use the Legacy Edition of this guide, form #1712.

SNAP PAC System Specification Guide

This guide is a comprehensive introduction to the SNAP PAC System. The guide describes the system's components (software, controllers, I/O processors, and I/O); shows how to build a basic system and how to expand it; and includes installation instructions, wiring diagrams, dimensional drawings, and specifications for parts.

PAC Project Basic and Professional Comparison Chart

This chart compares the features included in PAC Project Basic and Professional. These software suites provide automation software for the groov EPIC system and the SNAP PAC System

SNAP PAC System Product Guide

This document lists and describes all current Opto 22 SNAP PAC System part numbers, including PAC Project software, SNAP PAC controllers, and SNAP I/O modules of all kinds. SNAP PAC mounting racks and SNAP power supplies are also listed.

PAC Project Readme Notes

Latest Readme for PAC Project Basic and Professional. Includes information on new features, enhancements, and bug fixes for each PAC Project application: PAC Control, PAC Display, OptoOPCServer, PAC Manager, and Tools.

PAC Project 10.3 Release Notes

Release Notes for PAC Project Software Suite, version 10.3. This document covers both PAC Project Basic and PAC Project Professional

These release notes describe new features and enhancements for PAC Control, PAC Display, and PAC Manager, as well as important notes on installation and use. For information about bug fixes in this release, see the PAC Project Readme

PAC Project R10.2 Release Notes

Release Notes for PAC Project Software Suite, version 10.2.

PAC Project Basic provides control programming, HMI development and runtime, and configuration and utility programs.

PAC Project Professional adds a robust OPC server, database connectivity, multiple PAC Display seats, controller redundancy, legacy hardware support, and a software-based controller for PC-based control.

These release notes include new features and enhancements for PAC Control, PAC Display, and PAC Manager, as well as important notes on installation and use. For information about bug fixes in this release, see the PAC Project Readme Notes.

PAC Project R10.0 Release Notes

Release Notes for PAC Project Software Suite, version 10.0.

PAC Project Basic provides control programming, HMI development and runtime, and configuration and utility programs.

PAC Project Professional adds a robust OPC server, database connectivity, multiple PAC Display seats, controller redundancy, legacy hardware support, and a software-based controller for PC-based control.

These release notes include new features and enhancements for PAC Control, PAC Display, and PAC Manager, as well as important notes on installation and use. For information about bug fixes in this release, see the PAC Project Readme Notes.

Best Practices for PAC Project and groov View Technical Note

Opto 22’s PAC Project automation software suite and groov View HMI software are flexible tools that offer many choices for developing your monitoring, control, and data acquisition projects.

This flexibility provides the power to do everything you need, but the choices you make can sometimes cause problems.

This technical note suggests some best practices you can use when developing your control programs and operator interfaces (HMIs), to help make building and maintaining your projects easier. Included are tips on building, documenting, and backing up your projects.

Case Study: Hong Kong Power Plant (Chinese)

This document is written in Chinese.

The Lamma Power Station in Hong Kong is using Opto 22 SNAP PAC standalone controllers to control heat, pressurization and other critical processes. The Opto 22 PACs connect to weigh scales, conveyors, pressure transducers, and thermocouples to ensure that the coal burning operations taking place at Lamma are executed safely and optimally.

For example, analog I/O modules wired to scales measure the weight of the coal prior to its delivery to the furnaces and sends these figures to the controller. Based on these readings—and whether they're low or high—the controller then instructs the conveyors delivering the coal to the furnaces to speed up or slow down appropriately, so the furnaces generate the proper amount of heat needed to spin turbines that produce the power.

At the same time, integrated circuit temperature derivative probes (ICTDs) connected to thermocouple analog input modules monitor the actual furnace temperatures, which are then used in PID calculations to regulate the temperature via analog output modules.

Case Study: Hong Kong Power Plant

The Lamma Power Station in Hong Kong is using Opto 22 SNAP PAC standalone controllers to control heat, pressurization and other critical processes. The Opto 22 PACs connect to weigh scales, conveyors, pressure transducers, and thermocouples to ensure that the coal burning operations taking place at Lamma are executed safely and optimally.

For example, analog I/O modules wired to scales measure the weight of the coal prior to its delivery to the furnaces and sends these figures to the controller. Based on these readings—and whether they're low or high—the controller then instructs the conveyors delivering the coal to the furnaces to speed up or slow down appropriately, so the furnaces generate the proper amount of heat needed to spin turbines that produce the power.

At the same time, integrated circuit temperature derivative probes (ICTDs) connected to thermocouple analog input modules monitor the actual furnace temperatures, which are then used in PID calculations to regulate the temperature via analog output modules.

Optimizing PAC Project System Performance Technical Note

This technical note includes optimization tips to help you design your PAC Project™ system and program your PAC Control™ strategy to ensure optimum system performance. These tips are also helpful if you have already designed your system, and can be used during or after system startup.

The technical note covers groov EPIC®, SoftPAC, and SNAP PAC controllers, as well as groov RIO® and SNAP I/O units. Tips are included for host communication, I/O communication, and HMI, SCADA, and other software performance.

Software for Programmable Automation Controllers (Chinese)

This document is written in Chinese.

This white paper explores some important features of programming software for a programmable automation controller (PAC).

For additional white papers on PACs, see About PACs.

Software for Programmable Automation Controllers

This white paper explores some important features of programming software for a programmable automation controller (PAC).

For additional white papers on PACs, see About PACs.

PAC Project Demo Quick Start

The PAC Project Demo Quick Start pdf explains how to run the PAC Project Demo. The demo download includes the pdf as well as PAC Control, PAC Display, and SNAP PAC Sim (a software simulation of a SNAP PAC controller.) The download also includes a pre-made control strategy, which will run on the PAC Sim, and several HMI projects you can explore.

Using the PAC Project Demo, you can demonstrate and experiment with Opto 22's control and HMI development software even before purchasing SNAP PAC hardware.

6 Razones Para Considerar el Sistema SNAP PAC

Este documento corto sugiere seis razones porqué debe de considerar el Sistema SNAP PAC para su siguiente proyecto de automatización.

6 Reasons to Consider the SNAP PAC System for Your Next Project

This short document suggests six reasons why you should consider the SNAP PAC System for your next automation project.

FactoryFloor to PAC Project Migration Technical Note

This document describes how to migrate from FactoryFloor to PAC Project Professional.

SNAP PAC System Migration Technical Note

This document describes migration options for customers integrating the SNAP PAC System with older Opto 22 systems. It explains the SNAP PAC System's similarities and differences with earlier systems, defines legacy products, and shows how to mix old and new hardware.

Customers moving to the SNAP PAC System may also want to consult form #1693, Legacy and Current Product Comparison and Compatibility Charts.

PAC Display Professional

PAC Display Professional, part of the PAC Project Professional Software Suite, is a user-friendly HMI package for building operator interface applications to communicate with groov EPIC systems, SNAP PAC systems, and Ethernet-based I/O units (including groov RIO, SNAP PAC, and legacy SNAP I/O units). Technicians and operators can monitor the system, respond to alarms, and interact as necessary using a graphical display.

PAC Display Professional is available as a separate application or as part of the PAC Project Professional Software Suite, which also includes software for control programming, OPC communication, and database connectivity. Complete documentation is included in Adobe Acrobat PDF format. The download file includes other PAC Project software in addition to PAC Display.

The price for PAC Display Professional is for one seat. If you are using multiple seats of PAC Display, we strongly recommend that you also purchase OptoOPCServer (included in PAC Project Pro). OptoOPCServer manages all communication with the controller and reduces traffic on the control network.

PAC Project Demo

PAC Project Demo contains everything you need to demonstrate or experiment with Opto 22's PAC Project Software Suite:

The PAC Display project includes some highly graphical HMI examples, including a bottling plant and a yacht.

PAC Project Software - MSI for Command Line Installation

Use this .msi (Microsoft® Installer) installation file to install PAC Project software from the command line in Microsoft Windows®.

A command line installation of PAC Project in silent mode requires no user input once installation has begun. This is useful if you are an OEM machine builder who makes many copies of the same machine, or if you are an integrator or someone at a large company who wants to use an installation script. An .msi installation file is designed for a network-wide installation, and it works with Microsoft network features such as Active Directory.

Video: SNAP PAC System Overview

This overview describes the four integrated components of the SNAP PAC system: software, controllers, brains and I/O. This hardware and software system is designed for industrial control, remote monitoring and data acquisition.

Video: PAC Project Software Suite

A quick overview of the PAC Project Software Suite.

Video: PAC Display HMI Software

A quick overview on PAC Display HMI software.

Video: Webinar: SNAP PAC System Basic Troubleshooting

A webinar on basic troubleshooting for the SNAP PAC system.

Video: PAC Display Tips and Tricks

Tips and Tricks include: speeding development with templates, planning navigation systems for expansion, using built-in and imported graphics and launching other applications from the HMI.

Video: PAC Display Trends

Learn how to create, archive and view real-time and historical data using SuperTrends.

Video: Webinar: Using Recipes in PAC Display

This webinar describes how to use recipes (ASCII text file), use the Recipe Editor, and ways to launch Recipes in PAC Display.

Video: Getting graphics from the SVG Library

Learn how to use the SVG graphics from groov to make your own custom graphics for your groov project.

1725 PAC Project Demo Quick Start

The PAC Project Demo Quick Start pdf explains how to run the PAC Project Demo. The demo download includes the pdf as well as PAC Control, PAC Display, and SNAP PAC Sim (a software simulation of a SNAP PAC controller.) The download also includes a pre-made control strategy, which will run on the PAC Sim, and several HMI projects you can explore.

Using the PAC Project Demo, you can demonstrate and experiment with Opto 22's control and HMI development software even before purchasing SNAP PAC hardware.

SVG Image Library

Select, modify, and download an image from our free library containing images for manufacturing, processing, HVAC, flow, transportation, and many other images.