PAC Display Professional, part of the PAC Project Professional Software Suite, is a user-friendly HMI package for building operator interface applications to communicate with
groov EPIC and
SNAP PAC Systems and with Ethernet-based I/O units (including
groov RIO, SNAP PAC brains, and legacy Ethernet brains). Technicians and operators can monitor these systems, respond to alarms, and interact as necessary using a graphical display.
NOTE: Although a PAC Display project cannot run on a
groov EPIC processor's built-in touchscreen, PAC Display projects running on a Microsoft Windows PC can include
groov EPIC systems and their
groov RIO units. The EPIC processor also includes
groov View software for building operator interfaces that can be used on mobile devices as well as PCs.
PAC Display offers rich features, including alarming, trending, security, and a built-in library of 3,000 industrial automation graphics. PAC Display uses a fast, multithreaded scanning engine.
Because of PAC Project’s single tagname database, the data elements you created when programming your PAC Control strategy, such as I/O points and variables, are automatically available for use in PAC Display. This single tagname database eliminates the need to create duplicate databases and eliminates tagname-related errors.
PAC Display Professional also includes the ability to use redundant scanners, redundant Ethernet links, redundant SNAP PAC controllers, or a segmented control network on SNAP PAC controllers. In addition to
groov EPIC and SNAP PAC controllers, PAC Display Professional can also connect to legacy ioProject controllers and Ethernet-based FactoryFloor controllers running OptoControl strategies, and it can also import projects created in OptoDisplay, a part of FactoryFloor.
NOTE: If you do not need these additional capabilities, you may find that
PAC Display Basic is all you need.
See a
comparison chart for PAC Project Basic and PAC Project Professional.
PAC Display Professional is available as a separate application or as part of the
PAC Project Professional Software Suite, which also includes software for control programming, OPC communication, database connectivity, and a software-based controller. The price for PAC Display Professional is for one seat. If you are using multiple seats of PAC Display, we strongly recommend that you also purchase OptoOPCServer (included in PAC Project Pro). OptoOPCServer manages all communication with the controller and reduces traffic on the control network.
If you are using older controllers or brains (not
groov EPIC,
groov RIO, or SNAP PAC) with PAC Project, see the
SNAP PAC System Migration Technical Note (form 1688) for important information.
To find out if you can upgrade to this version for free, see the Opto 22
Software Upgrade Policy.
All PAC Project software, both Basic and Professional, is in one single download. You can install the Basic version right away to get started. To install PAC Display Professional, first purchase the software and contact Opto 22 to confirm your purchase and receive your password.
More about purchasing software and getting a password.
When you have your password, download and run the installer file. Choose PAC Project Professional and enter your password for PAC Display Professional.
The following applications are installed by default. If you don't want them all, when prompted during the installation process,
uncheck the ones you don't want.
- PAC Control Basic
- PAC Display Professional (password required)
- PAC Manager (used only with SNAP PAC controllers and I/O unites)
- Tools (PAC Utilities)
- EtherNet/IP Configurator