This strategy and project demonstrate how to log messages from a controller's error (or "message") queue to the computer's hard drive. Having this information can make any troubleshooting needed easier.
The message log created provides a history of how your system runs under normal conditions. When problems occur, you will have a history of normal messages as well as error messages to help troubleshoot the cause.
The strategy and project were originally created in ioProject 7.0 Basic, and can be used with ioProject 7.0 and 7.1 as well as PAC Project 8.0, 8.1, and 8.2. It can also be used with Basic or Pro versions.
These are sample files. Before you download, read the Legal Agreement.
For instructions, see the documentation included in zip archive.
IMPORTANT: Unzip the files and folders to the following location:
C:\Program Files\Opto22\
When message logger files are unzipped in this location, all the paths used in the strategy and display project will work without modification.