SNAP-SCM-CAN2B Module Firmware

File Size: 31 KB
Version: R2.0c
Updated: 04/17/2019

This firmware adds transmit capability to a SNAP-SCM-CAN2B serial communication module, which communicates with devices on a Controller Area Network (CAN). (A SNAP-SCM-CAN2B module with firmware R1.0d or lower can receive data but not transmit.)

You can find a list of changes made to the firmware in the RM SNAP-SCM-CAN2B Module Firmware Readme.

See the Opto 22 CAN Integration Kit for PAC Project - Transmit and Receive (part number PAC-INT-CAN-RXTX) for helpful sample PAC Control subroutines and charts to help you integrate devices on a CAN network with your Opto 22 SNAP PAC controller.

To update firmware on an existing SNAP-SCM-CAN2B module, follow steps in Form 1704, PAC Manager User's Guide.
