SVG Images for Lucidchart
Below are links to libraries of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). Each link contains a zip file of SVG graphics intended for use in Lucidchart.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for instructions on how to import SVG images into Lucidchart.
For newer images, see Image Library and SVG Editors.
How to import SVG files into Lucidchart libraries:
- Unzip the SVG files onto a directory on your computer.
- Open Lucidchart and open a new or existing drawing.
- Open the Shapes Libraries. (See 3, showing two ways to open the libraries.)
- Select My Libraries. (See 4.)
- Click plus for a new library. (See 5.)
- Click Choose Files. (See 6.)
- Locate the directory with your SVG files. Select all SVG files you want in this library. (See 7.)
- Click Open. (See 8.)
Expect a delay as Lucidchart imports the files.