You can buy Opto 22 products in several ways.
- Purchase through an Opto 22 Distributor.
- Buy by phone. Just call us at 800-321-6786. We're happy to help.
- Shop online using your cart.
Shopping Online
To buy from your cart, find products using the
Product Selector.
You can place online orders for shipment and billing within the U.S., Canada, and Puerto Rico.
International customers: Please contact your International distributor.
You'll need a free my.opto22 account to buy online.
Ordering Options
Sales tax will be charged on shipments to
CA, FL, MI, PA, TX, WA, WI unless you have an appropriate tax certificate on file with Opto 22.
Please note: If your ship-to address is in a state not listed above, you may have a sales/use tax self-reporting obligation under your state's laws.
- Credit card including PayPal: You can use a credit card on FedEx freight-collect orders. You must provide a valid FedEx shipping account number.
- All other payment or shipment methods will require a call back from our Inside Sales team
Shipping Options
- FedEx—First Overnight, Priority Overnight, Standard Overnight, 2 Day, Express Saver, or Ground
About OptoPasswords
Opto 22 Software Upgrades