SNAP PAC Learning Center Tutorial

File Size: 13321 KB
Version: 1.0b
Updated: 08/01/2008

NOTE: Due to the unavailability of essential parts, the SNAP-PACLC is obsolete as of April 2022. This download will remain available on our website for customers who already own a SNAP PAC Learning Center.

The SNAP PAC Learning Center tutorial is a hands-on, learn-by-example training course developed for use with the SNAP-PACLC Learning Center kit.

Each part of the tutorial introduces aspects of the SNAP hardware and the PAC Project software suite. You'll learn to install and configure hardware, read and write to points, develop a control application (called a strategy), and create an HMI (human-machine interface) to interact with the controller and I/O.

This zip file includes the complete tutorial with sample files and documentation.
