Resources & Tools

26-50 of 317 results
Why You Should Run Node-RED on groov
Videos - Published:
Opto 22's groov EPIC and RIO products are designed to give you several options when it comes to programming your control systems. Node-RED software is one of those options that is becoming more...more
Getting Started with Repositories and Python on groov EPIC & RIO
Videos - Published:
This video takes a deeper dive into using Secure Shell Access (SSH) along with custom Python programming packages with your groov devices. Although your host, Terry Orchard, will be demonstrating on a...more
Getting Started with groov EPIC & RIO Secure Shell (SSH)
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If you use C/C++, Python, Java, or other languages, you can use what you already know to build custom applications and run them on the groov EPIC processor or groov RIO edge...more
OPC UA Quick Start Tutorial
Videos - Published:
This video shows you how to set up an OPC UA server on groov RIO to accept connections from OPC UA clients and request groov data.
Why Consider Energy and Power Monitoring
Videos - Published:
Opto 22's Director of Business Development, Arun Sinha, provides a short presentation on why and how you should consider monitoring energy and power. He discusses the financial and operational...more
Use Swagger UI to Make API Calls with Node-RED
Videos - Published:
Terry Orchard will take you through all the steps you need to get a solid understanding of using Swagger software with Node-RED. Using them together, you can control all sorts of APIs, both getting and posting data using Node-RED flows.
CODESYS in the Field - Opto 22 and IntegrateCA
Videos - Published:
Opto 22 Senior Application Engineer, Garrick Reichert, is joined by Allen Ray of IntegrateCA to present a current CODESYS in the field application. Learn about the new security features of groov EPIC with CODESYS, plus Universal I/O module integration.
Introduction to JSON for Node-RED
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Learn the basics of JSON for the IoT. This video shows the structure and real-world use of JavaScript Object Notation or "JSON". Everything you need to know is covered: the different types of...more
Using the OpenWeatherApp API with Node-RED
Videos - Published:
Learn how to use a weather API to bring data into Node-RED running on groov RIO to do some basic controls. More information can be found at OptoU:
CODESYS in the Field - Opto 22 and Rust A&C
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Opto 22 Senior Application Engineer, Garrick Reichert, is joined by Jared Bates of Rust Automation & Controls to present a current water district application using the CODESYS runtime engine on...more
Cybersecurity with groov EPIC
Videos - Published:
Watch and learn all the cybersecurity features included in groov EPIC. It's cybersecure, out ot the box. To learn more, read the cybersecurity tech note: Version en Espanol
Advanced techniques to move data with Node-RED & MySQL
Videos - Published:
In this video, we take a deep dive into the MySQL database nodes to insert data into and select data from a MariaDB server. Two different methods are used to insert: first using locally saved context...more
Secure and Democratize the Data in Your Customer’s Brownfield OT Devices
Videos - Published:
In this recorded webinar, Opto 22's Benson Hougland discusses the technologies you need for IIoT success and how they help you address common security issues. With edge computing, you can protect...more
Ignition Edge at the I/O Level
Videos - Published:
In this Ignition Community Live event, you’ll learn how Ignition Edge on groov RIO can cost-effectively: Instrument virtually any sensor, transmitter, or other I/O signal with...more